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First of all, we would like to shout out: Feathers We Love!


Kalahari Basin and Namib offer a great variety of bird sightings. Water is the most precious source in Southern Africa. Simply, the more water source around, the more birds come together.

In addition to that, Birding is a season-based expedition, for migratory birds arrive in Southern Africa in September when day and night temperatures start rising up. Birdlife reaches its peak in numbers and variety after January to May with the rainy season. As the water sources get plenty, it triggers insect gatherings and reproduction activities which is applicable for the fish, reptiles, and the vegetation. Shortly, there is more food for the birds from January to April.


Black Coucal, Ross Turaco, Woodland Kingfisher, Broad-billed Roller, Blue Quail, Slaty Egret, Schalow's Turaco, Coppery Tail Coucal, White-Browed Coucal, Narina Collared Pranticole, Spur Winged Lapwing, Angolan Swallow are special sightings as well as these rare, nearly endemic species to Okavango Delta: Pels Fishing Owl, Trogon, Racket Tailed Roller, White Crowned Lapwing, Long Toed Lapwing, Lesser Jacana, and Swamp Bou Bou…


Please keep in mind that rains in Africa come down in rapid and massive showers in the afternoons before the night falls. It is not all day long overcasts which would be negative for decent photography, but open blue skies suddenly get cloudy and windy, then strong rainfalls, then open blue skies again or orange-red gorgeous clouds with the final lights of the day close to sunsets.

Here below is the list of main locations for Birding Expeditions within Kalahari Basin and Namib that are all, in fact, wetlands and coastal regions where seabirds congregate...

Best birding Locations

Makgadikgadi National Park

Nata Bird Sanctuary

Caprivi Strip

Gaborone Area

Lake Ngami

Victoria Falls

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